Thursday, May 28, 2009

noOb @ nEwBiE?!


this site is still bare and i'm still learning on how to add "things" for this site...
wish me luck~~!


RiEn_Akio said...

Gambatte ne! Hehe...

(I dun care if ur blog's still bare... I'm still gonna "kacau" you by saying; "Hi! I WAS HEEEERE!!!!" like a gud fren should!!! XDXDXD

P/S: If u need help with the blog, just ask, kay? Insya'allah I'll try to help! ^_~

Ayunie Nasser said...

thnx 4 da offer, though...
nevertheless, i'm hving a writer's block for the moment n nuthing out of ordinary happen to me... yet...
so, yeah~~!
thnx again 4 dropping by... ^__^

RiEn_Akio said...

Hehe... Xpa... Sy pun UNinspired bha lately...

But just 4 da sake of showing ppl that I'm "alive"... Sy tulis jak apa2 di blog sy recently... Bleh jadi panjang gak tu tapi...Prasaan malas masi ada time tu...Haha!

(...In a way, what I just wrote above was a suggestion to consider... Did my message get across is up to you... LOL!!! XP)