Sunday, January 17, 2010

what does it take for me to forget..?

Life is pretty amazing when you learned to view it from different or another perspectives. Many have wished for the impossible and got it, when many failed. Now that it has been years since what I could say to myself, "I am AN ADULT." The term "adult" itself began to show its presence to me, time after time.

There's so many thing that happened in my life and around me... The good, the bad, and maybe the worse, I don't know... Sometimes, I do wish that I hadn't do this and that... What makes it even worse is that after reminding yourself that, you let it happened... Then suddenly i realized, "AM I REALLY FIT TO GIVE ADVICE TO OTHERS WHEN I EVEN HAVEN'T THE LEAST EXPERIENCE ABOUT THAT MATTER?" A very good friend of mine will always come to me and shares whatever problems that she had, asking for advice or just someone to listen to, I don't really mind...

Frankly, I am as the bit of a CONVENTIONAL girl as you can see... Even before I went to the college or when I was still in the school. I viewed myself as a gullible and naive person... I still am, I guess... Therefore, when someone asked me, "to keep this as a secret," I'd really do that... Unconsciously, I think a part of me began to take it as a 'burden', while part of really didn't mind about that. BUT, as time goes by, you tend to get tired of that.

I am really a bad person, am I? Or too gullible? Naive? Because when others tell me that, "YOU ARE REALLY NICE" or "YOU'RE SWEET" or "YOU'RE VERY KIND", I feel like shouting to the world "I AM NOT THOSE KIND OF PERSON!!!".

A few days ago, we just celebrated my younger sister's birthday and her day of becoming an ADULT... I really wish her good fortunes for the days ahead, but in reality, I am envious of her. In reference to our personality, people tend to think that she's my OLDER sister, when I'm the ONE who is supposed to be the OLDER one! I crave for her maturity and way of thinking... Seems to be wishing for the impossible, isn't it?

It feels good to be reflective, now that i think of it..?

1 comment:

RiEn_Akio said...

Hey, dun worry! I knw wat you mean... I get tired of being "nice/sweet/kind" sometimes too! (Doesn't everyone?)

Anywho... To be ENVIOUS of your sibling(s) is normal too... (FYI, I have a younger brother with a brilliant brain and everyone thinks highly of him... compared to me... Hmm.... Oh, everyone thought he's my big bro get wat u mean... )